Thursday, April 26, 2012

Getting to know what I'm about.

When I first decided that I would run for city council, I was unsure of how I would help Cape Girardeau. So, I began thinking about the things I enjoy about Cape versus the things I don't. So, in no particular order, here we go:
  1. "Don't be a drunk jerk"
    • I would try to abolish the "open container ordinance" in the city limits. I feel that, if you're of age, you should be able to walk around with a beer. I feel that this is a waste of valuable police time. Now, you might be saying, "Ron, if you get rid of open container, the city will be full of drunks!" I disagree. Let the responsible rise. 
    • Now, if you're drunk & disorderly, there will be a substantial fine for that behavior. Does anyone remember the H.O.G. rally? Downtown Cape Girardeau was busy! That event let people walk around Main Street (from Broadway to Independence) with an open container & the world didn't end. 
  2. "Noise"
    • Cape recently passed an ordinance aimed at curbing noise. I am for this. However, in my opinion, Cape missed an opportunity to make a lot of people happy, instead of just a few. I would try to change the noise ordinance to something like this: 
    • Sunday night, starting at 7pm, the noise ordinance goes into effect. This continues through the week until we get to Thursday @ 7pm. Then, feel free to have a get together! 
    • The noise ordinance would not be in effect throughout the weekend - until Sunday at 7pm. Essentially, I'd like the city to work with, in my opinion, one of it's greatest assets: Southeast Missouri State University. 
    • By delegating a specific time for "noise", Cape might be a little more appealing on the weekends. College students will be more likely to go downtown on the weekends, especially if they can walk around with an open container. They will shop in more local shops, eat in local restaurants, and put money in to Cape Girardeau. 
  3. "Marijuana reform"
    • Look, I'm not an idiot (of course, this is my opinion); I understand that marijuana may never be widely accepted or legalized. I'm not asking that it be legalized. What I'd like to see is Police focus on things that are dangerous to our city. Things like methamphetamine, drunk drivers, and, believe it or not, littering. Similar to Columbia, MO, I'd like to see marijuana (under 30 grams) to be put at the bottom of the list of things that police are looking for. 
  4. "Fire lane means no parking"
    • We've all witnessed this: people parking in the fire lane to run in to the supermarket. Oh, sure; "it's only for a minute", which could mean life or death for someone in a fire. I'm (admittedly) unsure as to whether the Fire Chief should be granted the power to cite fire lane violators or if this is something that Police should handle. Either way, it's something that I'd like to tackle. 
  5. "Please use the sidewalk"
    • I'd like to see people ticketed for jay walking. It's dangerous to walk in the street. If you're walking in the street, when there is a perfectly good sidewalk to use, expect a ticket.
  6. Take responsibility for your own
    • Got an unruly dog? It's your responsibility. If your dog is violating the noise ordinance, expect a phone call/visit from your local law enforcement.
    • Got an unruly child? It's your responsibility. If that child can't vote, you are responsible for what the child says/does. I'm not telling you how to raise your child. I merely suggesting that everyone has to follow the laws of the land.
Well, that's what I have so far. Feel free to leave me a comment and I'll do my best to respond as soon as possible.